Turbo C++(A compiler for the C language)

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Turbo C++

 Image result for turbo c++ 
 Turbo C++ is a Borland International's implementation of a compiler for C language. In addition a compiler, Tc provides a complete IDE(Integrated Development Environment) to create, edit and save programs is called TC editor. I also provides a powerful debugger that helps in detecting and removing errors in the program.
                      Once the TC (Turbo C) has been installed, it is very easy to write C programs in its editor. The IDE can be invoked by typing tc on the DOS prompt or by double clicking the TC shortcut. The menu bar of the IDE contains menu to create, edit, compile, execute (Run) and debug a C program. A menu can be opened by either clicking the mouse on it or pressing the first highlighted character of the name of the menu in conjunction with Alt key.

Creating and Editing a C program:

To write the first C program, open the edit window of the Turbo C++ IDE. This can be done by selecting File/New Option from the menu bar. A window Appears on he screen. This window has a double-lined border, and a cursor inside the window represents he starting point to write a program.
We can expand this window by clicking the arrow in the upper corner, or by selecting Window/Zoom from the menu bar. We can also navigate through he program by using the vertical and horizontal scroll bars or by using arrow keys.

Saving a C program: 

    After writing the C program, we should save it on he disk.This can be done by selecting File/Save command from the menu bar or pressing the F2 key. When we select File/Save, a dialog box will appear. At the top of this dialog box, there is a text box with caption Save File As. Type the name of the file in it and the press the enter key.The default path for saving the file is BIN folder. 

Compiling a C Program:

The computer does not understand source program because instruction in the program are meaningless to the microprocessor, as it understand only the machine language. A program that is to be executed must be in the form of machine language.
            C compiler translates the source program into an object program with .obj extension. To invoke Turbo C++ compiler, select Compile/Compile from the menu bar or press Alt+F9 Key. If there is no error in the source program, the program will be translated to object program successfully otherwise, the compiler will report errors in the program.
  • The program written in any high level programming language, such as C, is called source program.
  • The compiler produces an object program from the source program.

Linking a C Program:

While writing a C program, the programmer may refer to many files to accomplish various tasks such as input/output etc. In case of C language, a lot of functionality is available in the form of library files. Rather than reinventing of the language. Such files are needed to be linked with the object file, produced by the compiler, before execution of the program.

              Linking is the process in which the object file produced by the compiler is linked to many other library files by the linker. The linker is a program that combines the object program with additional object files hat may be needed for the program to execute and save the final machine language program as an executable file on disk. In turbo C+++, the linker can be invoked by selecting Compile/Link from the menu bar.

  • The linker combines different library files to the object file and produces an executable file with .exe extension.

Executing a C program:

After successfully compiling and linking the program, we are now ready to execute it. For execution the program must be loaded into memory. his is done by he loader. Loader is a program that places executable file in memory. In Turbo C++, This is done by selecting Run/Run from the menu bar or pressing Ctrl+F9 key.
                        When a program is run, the screen flickers for a moment and the output screen will disappear in a flash. To see the program's output select Window/User Screen or press Alt+F5.
